Member of the Year

Member of the Year - Simon Halford

Simon Halford

New Member of the Year

New Member of the Year 2023PM

Phillip Meadows

Sporting Member of the Year

Sporting Member of the Year 2023RA

Roy Adams

Rookie of the Year

Member Awards - Not Awarded


Event of the Year – Clare Biennial

Leah Andison and Andrew Strain

Event of the Year 2023

How the Awards System Works

The Annual Club Awards are aimed to encourage and acknowledge individual member involvement in club activities.  Points are awarded to individual members for participation in club activities during the year and  accrue from December 1st to following November 30th.

The Sporting Member of the Year is compiled by the Sporting Secretary and eligble winner/s referred to the committee for endorsement. To be eligible for points as a competitor, each member’s name must be recorded on the Results sheet for each motorsport event. Points are calculated from the Points Score System as determined by the Committee.

Elegible events for points will be listed on the Club’s Events Calendar and indentified as ‘event eligible for points towards Sporting Member of the year award’.

Rookie is the sporting member who competed for the first time in the given year.

Legend for acronyms in the Points Table below:

MSCASA – Marque Sports Car Association of S.A.
SCCSA – Sporting Car Club of S.A.
SA Autotest Panel – S.A. Motokhana Championship

Points Table

Organise a Club Run8 points
Attend an official Club Run3 points
Turn up at a venue but not participate in the Club Run1 point
Assist in running a Club event (includes Group Leader & Tail End Charlie for a Run)2 points
Organise a trip/weekend away12 points
Attend an official trip/weekend away5 points
Assist in organising a trip/weekend away5 points
Assist in running a trip/weekend away (includes Group Leader & Tail End Charlie for a Run)2 points
Attend a NatMeet, SA/VicTas Biennial or Club sanctioned event (as decided by the club committee)7 points
Attend the Annual General Meeting3 points
Provide photos that are published on the web site or in the quarterly newsletter1 point
Provide photos of an event that are published on the website or in the quarterly newsletter1 point
Write an article for publication on the web site or in the quarterly newsletter5 points
Attend the mid-year and/or the Christmas function (points per function)3 points
Drive an MX-5 in a competition MSCASA SuperSprint round or Peter Hall Memorial 6 Hour Modern Regularity Relay6 points
Drive an MX-5 in a competition SCCSA Collingrove Challenge Trophy Series inc Finale Hill Climb6 points
Drive an MX-5 in a competition SA MotorKhana Championship round6 points
Participate as an MSCASA, SA MotorKhana, SCCSA official at a motorsport event (such as a Flag Marshal, Starter) in which a Club member is competing in an MX-54 points
Drive an MX-5 in a Come & Try event held by MSCASA, SCCSA, SA MotorKhana Championship3 points
Attend the MSCASA Trophy Day3 points
Attend any MSCASA, SCCSA, SA MotorKhana motorsport event as Pit Crew for a Club member competing in an MX-53 points
Attend a MSCASA, SCCSA, SA MotorKhana motorsport event at which a Club member is competing in an MX-51 point
Serve as a Member on the Committee5 points
Refer new member to join the Club2 points